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The Kiva Program

Kiva is a non-profit organization which developed a lending platform that facilitates making loans to undeserved individuals all around the globe. 


For as little as $25, people can take an active role in helping others improve their life and the lives of others.  Kiva is special, because 100% of every dollar lent to the platform can go towards making loans.

We have participated in 163 loans through Kiva.  This is having a big impact around the globe.  One of our loans helped a baker get ingredients to grow his business, another has helped a weaver get materials to make hammocks to sell.  Other loans have assisted fishermen and farmers. 



If you would like to learn more about the folks we are helping, please take a moment and visit our program page:


The best part of Kiva is that when a loan is complete, the money can be loaned out again and again and again.  If you would like to join in our effort to help others, you can send a check to the church with KIVA in the memo and we will direct those funds to be used in our Kiva program or you can setup your own Kiva account.  It is a great way to honor a loved one.

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